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Applications and Certificates


ALL Development Applications (and associated certificates) are to be submitted and dealt with via the NSW Online Planning Portal, as of 1st July 2021 -, therefore hard copy applications over the counter will no longer be received.

Council has prepared a package to assist applicants in this process (also available in hard copy at Council’s Office):

Applicants are encouraged to use the package to apply for your applications. If you are having trouble using the system, you can contact 1300 305 695 or email Alternatively, Council staff can provide assistance at the Council Office, appointments are preferred and can be made by contacting the office on 02 6990 1100 or emailing  

See the Building and Developments menu for development specific information (i.e. Sheds and Shipping Containers in Residential Areas Policy)

*ADDITIONAL FEES - The NSW Government have introduced administration fees for the portal (seperate to Council's fees), and applicant's will be automatically invoiced after their applications are accepted by Council through the portal. For more information please visit -

You may be required to submit further information with your application, the below fact sheets and websites may assist:

Considering becoming an Owner Builder ?

The Department of Fair Trading stipulates that residential work in excess of $10,000 be conducted by a licensed builder or an Owner-Builder Permit must been obtained. Where an Owner-Builder is conducting work in excess of $20,000, the Department of Fair Trading requires them to undertake a study course on the responsibilities of the Owner Builder before issuing the Owner Builders permit. For more information on becoming an owner builder, please view the website below:

Becoming an Owner Builder Website

Insurance under the Home Building Compensation Fund

Where the building work exceeds $20,000 in value, the licensed builder is required to provide insurance under the Home Building Compensation Fund (formerly known as Home Warranty Insurance) and is required to lodge a receipt with the Private Certifying Authority(PCA). For more information please view the information sheet below & website -

Information Sheet - Home Building Compensation Fund (Insurance)

BASIX Certificate

The NSW State government requires a BASIX Certificate to be obtained prior to Council or PCA issuing any construction certificate or complying development certificate for residential projects.

These projects include any new house, flats, boarding houses, guest houses, backpacker accommodation, residential extensions in excess of $50,000, and a swimming pool that has a larger volume than 40,000 L. The provisions do not apply to an existing house that is re-sited or to the major part of an existing house that is not subject to renovation.

The contact details for obtaining the BASIX certificate is on

In order to complete the information necessary to obtain the BASIX certificate, you will need a complete set of plans and specifications for the project.

Temporary Accommodation

For information on temporary accommodation on-site whilst you build a dwelling, please find fact sheet below:

Temporary Accommodation Fact Sheet



Council provides a number of certificates for conveyancing purposes that may be of interest when purchasing a property.

The certificates are:

  • Outstanding Rates & Charges (S 603)
  • Planning Certificate (S 10.7(2) - formerly 149(2))
  • Additional Planning Certificate (S 10.7(5) - formerly 149 (5))
  • Building Certificate (S 280)
  • Outstanding Notices and Orders (S 735A & S 121ZP)
  • Swimming Pool Compliance Certificate (S 24)
  • Dog Compliance Enclosure (for dangerous and restricted breed dogs)
  • Weeds Certificate (Schedule 7 Cl 28)
  • Sewer Diagram (identifies any joint private lines)
  • Water Meter Reading Certificate (filtered and raw)

Application for Conveyancing Certificate

Building Certificate Application

Filming & Photography Application


There are currently two applications on exhibition in Hay Shire and submissions can be received until Wednesday 3rd July 2024 for both of them. Please visit the NSW Planning Portal via the links provided below for each application, to view the documents and further information, and to make a submission:

- DA2024-27 - Intensification of Feedlot at Ravensworth, Hay (Lot 2 DP 1245331 - 32570 Sturt Hwy, Hay)
Intensification of the feedlot cattle limit from 60,000 head to 100,000 standard cattle units with no change to existing infrastructure and consistent with the original DA 1990/002 -

- PP-2023-2746 - Hay Unmanned Refuelling Facility Planning Proposal at 310 Moama St, Hay (Lot 2 DP 1212081)
Description: Proposed amendment to Hay Local Environmental Plan 2011 to enable a 'service station' (unmanned refuelling facility).
What is a Planning Proposal (PP): A PP must be prepared to rezone or change the planning controls that apply to the land, in a LEP (Local Environemtal Plan).
Objective of this PP: To enable a 'service station' at the subject site, which is currently prohibited in RU1, by amending the Hay LEP 2011.
Hay Shire Council is the Local Plan-Making Authority for this application.