Plumbing and Drainage
Hay Shire Council operates the Hay town filtered and raw water systems, and sewerage scheme.
Residences within the Hay town service area are required to connect to these schemes where they are available. An applications for connections and payment of fees is required before any connection takes place.
Application for Connection to Water Supply
Application Form to Connect to Sewerage System
Policies relating to Council’s water supply systems.
Water Supply - House Service Connection Policy
Water Supply - Water Connection Policy
Development Servicing Plan for Water Supply and Sewerage
If you are required to install an onsite sewerage management system (septic tank etc) on a property outside the town sewered area, you will be required to get Council approval before any installation can begin, by way of an Section 68 Local Approval.
Section 68 Approval application form
For more detailed information on onsite sewerage management system please review the information on the Sewer page

When building or renovating a dwelling or commercial building all plumbing and drainage work must be carried out by a licenced plumber and inspected by Council prior to backfilling. It is also a requirement to complete a Sewerage Diagram and submit to Council for their records – this can be very important for future owners or developments on the property.
Sewerage Diagram Form
Hot Water Systems and Rainwater Tanks may require approval, please see the fact sheet for more information.
Information Sheet - Hot Water Systems and Rainwater Tanks