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Flood Updates from Hay Shire Council 

Draft Housing Strategy - Public Consultation

There has been a fair bit of media attention and political movement to “fix the housing crisis” in NSW. There is no doubt there is a shortage of available housing in Hay, both rental and for purchase.
As indicated late last year, staff have been developing a housing strategy for Hay. The document lists nineteen (19) strategies that could assist in developing a mix of housing stock across the Local Government Area (LGA).
Council at its meeting 28 February 2023 resolved to place the document on public exhibition. Submission will be received up until 5pm Friday 14th April 2023.

Submissions can be made addressed to the General Manager, Hay Shire Council, 134 Lachlan Street, Hay NSW 2711, by email to, or by the  Have Your Say link Here

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