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NSW Companion Animals

Barking Dogs 

Barking is a natural behaviour of dogs and is one way that they communicate.  However, Council understands that in some cases barking dogs may become a wider community issue particularly when a number of neighbours are complaining about the same barking dog or dogs.

The Fact Sheet below can be use to assist residents when dealing with barking dogs 

Barking Dog Fact Sheet


Why Register?

  • All Companion Animals (Cats & Dogs) must be Registered by law in NSW by 6 months of age
  • Having your dog or Cat Registered with your local Council assists with its safe return if it becomes lost.
  • Cheaper release fees if your dog or cat is impounded.


How to Register your Companion Animal?

Registering your companion animal is easy and can be done by one of the following;

It's important to remember that having your dog or cat microchipped does not mean that it is Registered

To Register your Dog or Cat you must first have it microchipped by a vet or authorised identifier. 

All dogs and cats must be registered by law once they reach the age of 6 months old.

The Registration fee is a once only payment which covers your companion animals for its lifetime in NSW, regardless of any changes in ownership.

Discounted Registration is available for eligible pensioners and for owners of desexed dogs and cats.

Proof of sterilisation is required.

Important - If you fail to register your cat or dog you may be issued with a fixed penalty notice. A $22.00 late fee is also applicable if a registration is not paid by 28 days after the registration requirement of 6 months of age.

For more information visit 


Annual Permits

As of 1st July 2020, the NSW Government has introduced annual permits for non-desexed cats and restricted and dangerous dogs as part of its commitment to promoting responsible pet ownership and improving animal welfare standards. 

  • From 1 July 2020 owners of cats not desexed by four months of age will be required to pay an $96.00 annual permit in addition to their one-off lifetime pet registration fee.
  • From 1 July 2020 owners of dogs of a restricted breed or formally declared to be dangerous will be required to pay a $230.00 annual permit in addition to their one-off lifetime pet registration fee.

Desexing animals not only provides a healthier lifestyle for the animals, but also ensures the increased control of unwanted litters, and helps to reduce the strain on pounds and animal shelters filled with unwanted pets.

For owners of dogs of a restricted breed or declared dangerous, the introduction of annual permits will serve as a further disincentive to owning high-risk dogs and encourage owners to better manage the behaviour of their animal.

The introduction of the annual permit fees will go directly towards the companion animals fund which pays for companion animal management by local Councils, pound/shelters, ranger services, dog recreational areas, education and awareness programs and incentives for the community.

The fund is also used to operate the NSW Pet Registry and carry out responsible pet ownership initiatives.

For more information on the introduction of annual permits and responsible pet ownership, visit the Office of Local Government’s website HERE



Microchipping can be done by your local vet or an accredited identifier and is a safe way of ensuring that your pet will be returned to you if it is found wandering or stray.

Microchipping and lifetime registration applies to all cats and dogs which are born, or who change owners, after 1 July 1999. This form of registration is a one off payment and covers the entire life of the animal.

To register your dog or cat just call into Council's administration centre and bring with you your animal's certificate of identification, which you would have received when your pet was microchipped.

You also need to bring with you proof of desexing, if this applies to your animal, and any concession card should you be seeking a pensioner rate.

Pensioner rates only apply to desexed animals.

Dangerous Dogs


Under the Companion Animals Act , a dog attack can include any incident where a dog rushes at, attacks, bites, harasses or chases any person or animal (other than vermin), whether or not any injury is caused to the animal or person.

A critical influence on the behaviour of dogs in domestic settings is the actions of pet owners.

Socially responsible pet owners are those who have an ongoing commitment to the welfare of their animals and take all necessary steps to limit the impact of their animal’s behaviour.

With respect to dogs, this includes factors such as:

  • responsible breeding, in line with community standards and relevant regulations
  • prospective owners making informed choices about the suitability of dogs for their lifestyle, prior to purchase (including under-standing the traits of particular breeds and the ongoing costs of keeping and caring for them)
  • properly socialising and training dogs at an early age
  • microchipping dogs by 12 weeks of age and registering them by 6 months of age
  • maintaining the physical and mental health and welfare of dogs over their lifetime (including providing appropriate shelter, nutrition, exercise and veterinary care)
  • appropriately managing interactions between dogs and other animals and people, especially children.

Declared dangerous dogs are subject to stringent control provisions, including:

  • mandatory microchipping, lifetime registration and desexing.
  • a ban on being left in the sole charge of a person under the age of 18 years.
  • prescribed enclosure requirements for the property where the dog is ordinarily kept (its owner must also obtain a certificate of compliance from their local council, certifying that the enclosure meets the regulatory requirements).
  • mandatory muzzling and secure leashing of the dog at all times when it is outside the enclosure where it is ordinarily kept (except in the case of a declared dangerous hunting dog, when it is hunting).
  • prescribed dangerous dog warning signs which must be displayed on the premises where the dog is ordinarily kept.

It is also an offence under the Companion Animals Act for an owner to transfer ownership of a dangerous dog, accept ownership of a dangerous dog, sell (including give away) or advertise a dangerous dog for sale, and encourage a dangerous dog to attack a person or animal.

Fines for a owner of a dog which rushes at/attacks/bites/harasses/chases any person or animal is $1320, it’s the same amount for a person in charge of a dog also.


Registration Fees & Charges (Cats and Dogs)


All pets in NSW over the age of six (6) months must be microchipped and registered with a lifetime registration under the Companion Animal Act.

Working Dog 

Under the Companion Animals Act 1998, all working dogs MUST be microchipped and registered, however the registration is free. According to the Companion Animals Act 1998, a working dog is described as;

"A dog used primarily for the purpose of droving, tending, working or protecting stock, and includes a dog being trained as a working dog". This does not include security/guard dogs or hunting dogs.

Complete this Declaration form and return to Council to declare your dog(s) as working animals.

Registration of a dog or cat can be done at the Council Office at 134 Lachlan Street, Hay during business hours or at



Council maintains a dog and stock pound. Prior arrangements must be made to collect any animal impounded and any fees or charges must be paid before any animal is released. Unregistered animals must be micro-chipped and registered before being released and proof or ownership may be required.

On the Spot fines may also apply if the animal is deemed a nuisance by Council Officers.

It is an offence to remove any animal from the pound without approval.



Selling or giving away a Companion Animal 

From 1 July 2019, people selling or giving away kittens, cats, puppies or dogs, will need to include an identification number in any advertisements.

The changes will help people looking to buy a cat or dog to know what the current owner has recorded as the breed, sex and age of the cat or dog, whether it is desexed, and whether or not it is already registered.

This will enable prospective owners to do further research and make informed purchasing decisions, and helps to promote responsible cat and dog breeding and selling.

Animal welfare enforcement agencies will also be able to use this information to identify ‘problem’ breeders and to enforce animal welfare laws.

Companion Animal Website - Office of Local Government

  The Office of Local Government is responsible for pet registrations in NSW. Their website has forms, brochures and information about keeping Companion Animals.


Application Forms & Additional Information

Application for Annual Permit
NSW Pet Registry - P1A Perminant Identification Form
Update ownership deails - C3A Change of Owner Form
Update ownership details (purchased from pound/shelter) - C3B Change of Owner/Details Form
Apply for Lifetime Registration - R2 Lifetime Registration Form
Verify microchip - M1 Verification of Existing Microchip Form

Code of Practice - Breeding Dogs and Cats
NSW legislation Companion Animals ACT 1998