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Economic Development

Hay is a vibrant rural town situated in south western NSW at the centre of a large agricultural region on the banks of the Murrumbidgee River.  It is strategically located between Sydney, Adelaide and Melbourne and is home to some of the largest agricultural companies in Australia.
Hay has been identified as the centre of the South West Renewable Energy Zone. The South-West REZs will unlock a significant pipeline of large-scale renewable energy and storage projects, while supporting up to $20.7 billion of private sector investment in our regions.
Hay Shire Council is a pro development council and supports economic development to ensure new and existing businesses are supported by initiatives and opportunities available to them.
Those wishing to invest in the area are invited to contact, Alison McLean, Economic Development Officer who can assist in
  • Providing access to local intelligence
  • Hosting visits to the area and to potential premises
  • Providing information to assist with planning
  • Support identification of and access to government funding schemes
  • Support access to other state and national departments
  • Providing networking opportunities and connecting with the community

Hay and Carrathool Regional Drought Resilience Plan  

Alison is available to potential investors and existing businesses wishing to expand and can offer guidance with government departments who may offer assistance in various forms.

Conatct Alison at or (02) 6990 1100.

Economic Profile Fast Facts

Gross Regional Product: $210 million
Population 2934
Largest Industry:  Agriculture
Value of Agriculture sector in 2019/2020 $63 million
For more detailed data please visit Economy ID – Hay Regional Profile
The economic and workplace profiles combine 2 different datasets to detail the local economy, how it is changing, and how it compares to other areas. the tool includes information regarding gross regional product; local jobs, business and industry structure; employment and unemployment; population; building approval; journey to work.

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