While we recognise we are far from recovery mode, it is important that we hear from our primary producers to understand the very real impact the floods have had on your business.
Council has arranged for Resilience NSW and the National Recovery & Resilience Agency to attend face to face meetings with our primary producers. General Manager David Webb, Mayor Carol Oataway and Operations Manager, Greg Stewart will also be in attendance.
The meetings will be an opportunity for you to share the current impacts and future needs to support you as we look towards recovery.
The meetings will be as follows:

BOOLIGAL, 10.00AM, Booligal Hall

MAUDE, 1.30PM, Madue Hall

HAY, 4.00PM, Council Chambers.
We understand many of you are still unable to access roads and are currently dealing with significant on-farm challenges but felt it important to start this process with face to face meetings.
Please RSVP Ali McLean


0429 938 110