Tuesday - Hay Library Children’s session is held every Tuesday morning from 10:30am.
Parents with babies and preschool children are welcome to join us in singing, stories and craft
with singing, actions, hand puppets and musical instruments. November the focus is on Seasons,
craft activities will include colouring using Seasons as a theme

Wednesday 7th and 21st - Hay Library Knitting group will meet from 10:00am. All knitter’s

Wednesday 14th and 28th - Hay Scrabble group will meet from 10:00am. New commers are
welcome to join in.

Thursday 1st, 15th and 29th - Hay Library Craft, all who are interested are welcome so bring
whatever you are working on e.g. crocheting, embroidery, hand sewing etc.
Children under 10 years of age need parental supervision for all library activities