Thank you to everyone who participated in Hay's Bike Day held last Saturday! We had over 50 keen cyclist's attend and enjoy a bike ride around Bushy Bend and Sandy Point, followed by a sausage sizzle, drinks and everyone received a bag of free merchandise!
Winners of the Colouring In Competitions were:
- Sally Dwyer
- Dallas Giddins
- Emily Taylor
- James Salmon
- Miranda Griffiths
- Max Mijok
Winner of the Photography Competition:
- Alison Ferguson
For those who weren't present on the day to receive your prize, please come into the Council Office during normal business hours to collect your voucher! Well done to all winners.
Thanks must also go to Transport for NSW for providing funding for the event, in conjunction with Hay Shire Council. Thanks to Kim Curtis for providing some great advice on cycling safety, rules and regulations, and also supervising the bike ride, and all the other volunteers on the day to make it such a successful event.
Check out our Facebook Page for more photos of the event!