Improving Hay's Health Service
An expansion of the Hay Health Service was announced by the NSW Government in November 2019. The project is in the design and planning phase, with construction due to start by late 2020.
Works include:
- A reconfiguration of beds, to better accommodate increasing demand for aged care beds.
- An external landscaped area and outdoor socialisation space for residents.
- Three new purpose-built onsite staff accommodation units to support the staffing and operations of the health service.
- Provision of a new emergency triage area, which will provide hospital nursing staff with a dedicated area to assess and prioritise patients for treatment.
- Refurbishment to the existing reception and administrative areas of the health service, to facilitate modern models of care and improve security and accessibility.
The project is in the design and planning phase, with construction due to start by late 2020.
Construction will take approximately 12 months, and this will be followed by operational commissioning, after which the new facility will become operational.
Continued delivery of services during construction Health services will continue during construction and every effort will be made to minimise disruption to staff, patients and visitors.
Community Consultation
A group comprising of representatives from the Hay Health Service, Murrumbidgee Local Health District, Health Infrastructure and the community are working in collaboration through the design and planning process.
Briefing sessions with Hay Council, the Local Health Advisory Committee, community groups and drop-in community information sessions will be held in 2020.