Council is calling for comments on the proposed plans to upgrade Witcombe Place and Pocock Park.
The project for Witcombe Place involves the total refurbishment of the area in front of Council Chambers and Commonwealth Bank.
The works form part of an overall Lachlan Street Upgrade masterplan, and the style of the landscaping fits in with the overall themes along the street and township. It is expected the works for Witcombe Place will be completed by the end of October 2020.
As part of Drought Funding Round 2, Council is proposing to upgrade Pocock Park to be a feature to at-tract travellers to stop in Hay. The park design includes shelters, BBQ, playgrounds for small and larger play spaces, dog parks and landscaping. It is expected the works for Pocock Park will be completed in December 2020.
Plans can also be viewed at the Customer Service Counter, 134 Lachlan Street, Hay.
Comments on the Witcombe Place and Pocock Park redevelopments are to be addressed to the General Manager and will be received up until 5pm Friday 12 June 2020. They can be submitted via hand delivery to 134 Lachlan Street Hay, email: or post at PO Box 141, Hay NSW 2711.
Public Exhibition Document
Witcombe Place Plan
Pocock Park Plan
Submit your comment