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Murrumbidgee Local Health Statement - COVID-19 Updates
6 October 2020

Murrumbidgee Local Health Statement - COVID-19 Updates

The Murrumbidgee Local Health statement update on COVID-19 cases by Local Government area (LGA) on 28 October 2020 as at  8.00am.
Water Tower Art
13 August 2020

Water Tower Art

Council, at its February meeting, endorsed the volunteers who formed a Design Group to lead the design process of the artwork, based on Hay’s ANZAC WWII military history. To see the plan and make comment please see here.
Revised Trial of Transfer Station Hours for Hay, Booligal & Maude
3 August 2020

Revised Trial of Transfer Station Hours for Hay, Booligal & Maude

A revised trial of Tip Opening Hours will commence Monday 17 August 2020, to better manage waste management facilities. 
Classification of land
31 July 2020

Classification of land

Council has resolved the reclassify the land known as Lot 22 DP 819305 Crown Reserve number 150036 Hay, as Operational Land.
New Requirements to ensure COVID Safe Community Sport
21 July 2020

New Requirements to ensure COVID Safe Community Sport

NSW Health is updating the COVID-19 Safety Plan for community sport organisations in response to rising case numbers in NSW and the ongoing risk of transmission in the community.
Restrictions tightened for entry to NSW from Victoria
20 July 2020

Restrictions tightened for entry to NSW from Victoria

From midnight Tuesday 21 July a border zone, clearly defined along the Murray River, will restrict entry to NSW for Victorians to extremely limited purposes.

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