The Business Bus is coming to Hay on 25th March 2019 to provide trusted advice to start or grow your small business.
The 2019 Seniors Festival, 13-24th February is again packed full of activites for the Hay Shire Council's senior citizens, see here for doing more together.
Council advises residents that the Hay town filtered water supply is tested regularly and conforms to Australian drinking water standards. The water from Council’s filtered water supply is safe for residents to drink.
See here for Hay's 2019 Australia Day Award winners
Roads & Maritime Services have approved 10 intersections identified by Council as requiring B-Double access.
Residents may have noticed the taste and smell of the filtered water supply has changed recently. This is due to the current algal bloom in the Murrumbidgee River which requires the filtered water to be treated by carbon dosage to ensure it is safe for residents to drink. Council regularly monitors and tests its filtered water supply to ensure it meets Australian Drinking Water Standards.