Some of NSW’s most significant wetlands will be transferred to the world’s largest conservation organisa-tion, which will work to conserve ‘Nimmie-Caira’, the iconic former irrigation property in the state’s south-west.
Hay Shire Council’s Draft Operational Plan for 2018/19 and budget are on exhibition for public comment from Wednesday 23rd May to Friday 22nd June. Any submissions received will be considered at the Ordinary Council meeting of 26th June 2018 where the Operational Plan will be approved and the rates for 2018/19 will be set. Click for more detailed information.
A Yellow level warning for blue-green algae for the Murrumbidgee River at the Hay Weir Pool and Leonard Street is current. Click here for updated information.
The Waste Transfer Station times will change on the 4th May 2018. See here for updated times.
Council held an official opening on Wednesday 9th May for the Bidgee Riverside Cultural Trail which incorporates the extension of the walking trail through Bushy Bend and Sandy Point, and the refurbishment of the Old Sewer Treatment Works.
Update on issues transfering medical records back to the Hay Medical Centre and how the community can assist, either online survey or returned a hard copy by the 20th April 2018