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Bushy Bend and Sandy Point Walking
16 February 2018

Bushy Bend and Sandy Point Walking

The first stages of the Bushy Bend and Sandy Point Walking track have been completed with funding received from the Murray Darling Basin Economic Diversification Program,  Roads and Maritime Services, and Hay Shire Council

Blue-green algae red alert for Murrumbidgee River at Maude Weir Buoy
6 February 2018

Blue-green algae red alert for Murrumbidgee River at Maude Weir Buoy

A red level warning (high alert) for blue-green algae has been issued for the Murrumbidgee River at Maude Weir Buoy, with the bloom expected to move downstream with the current.

Australia Day Winners
29 January 2018

Australia Day Winners

Citizen of the Year - Paul "Frog" Edwards
Gavin Johnston Vocational Award - Susan Johnston, Printed Post
Special Achievement - Hay Can Rally
Special Achievement - Light Horse Memorial Committee

Bush Fire Danger Period
23 January 2018

Bush Fire Danger Period

Hay Shire Council would like to reminded residents  and visitors, with the hot weather arriving please keep in mind the Bush Fire Danger Period and what restrictions may apply to your planned activities. Click for more information

Tour of the Lower Lachlan Valley
22 January 2018

Tour of the Lower Lachlan Valley

Federal MP Sussan Ley, and State MP Austin Evans to visiting to look at water issues in the Lachlan Valley organised by Gordon Turner and accompanied by a delegation of Lachlan Valley water users and Government officals, along with Amanda Spalding, General Manager of Hay Shire.

18 December 2017


Member for Murray Austin Evans announced Council will receive $760,000 in funding to breathe life into local community projects as part of the NSW Government’s $200 million Stronger Country Communities fund.


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