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Murrumbidgee River Master Plan 2021 Update - Sandy Point Reserve

At the February 2023 ordinary meeting, Council resolved to keep the access track along the beachfront of Sandy Point closed. Subsequently, at the October 2023 ordinary meeting, a notice of motion was put forward to seek permission to reinstate the access road along the beachfront of Sandy Point, remove the blockades and undertake a review of the Murrumbidgee River Masterplan. The blockades were removed; the sand has been relocated back to the beach area and the road has been reinstated. These works were completed prior to Christmas 2023.
A review of the Murrumbidgee River Masterplan has been undertaken to reflect Council requests. As part of the review, additional alterations were made to the plan to include works to replace the dilapidated retaining wall adjacent to the boat ramp to allow accessible fishing. This work will be funded from successful grant funds received from the recreational fishing trust grants ($98,300). Pages 14 and 15 (Sandy Point) of the Murrumbidgee River Masterplan 2021 have been amended (see attached) as follows:
Page 14 Changes:
•              Removed first two concept proposes and included First Nations groups.
•              The vision was amended to include replacement of dilapidated retaining wall.
•              Scope of works amended to include application for funding to replace the dilapidated retaining wall adjacent to the boat ramp.
•              Construction activities point number 7 and 8 were removed. Add boat ramp upgrade and improve road at beach.
•              Remove picture of cable footbridge and replaced with fishing platform.
Page 15 Changes:
•              In the legend section inclusions river access, amend point 1 to widened, amend point 2 to say Reinstate through road along beach, removed point 3, amend point 6 to say Accessible Fishing Platform, add point 7 to say Remove treated pine logs and rail fence around BBQ area and install No Camping signs and No Parking signs.
•              Enlarged plan to include additional numbering 6 and 7. Removed purple garden graphics and reinstate road.
•              On the large plan, include a fishing icon. Remove the icon and text box for second single boat ramp including access road to this ramp. Removed text box and graphics for pedestrian bridge link over the Murrumbidgee River.
Council at its December 2024 meeting resolved to place the updated Master Plan on public exhibition. Council will receive any comments up until Friday 14th March 2025.
Categories: Council News
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