Waste and Recycling
Council encourages all residents to consider how to minimise waste and reduce the impact on the environment and maintains the philosophy for minimising waste as ‘Reduce, Re-Use, Recycle’. The below links can provide further information on ways you can do this:
- RAMROC Riverina Waste Group - Hay Shire Council is a part of this voluntary regional waste group, formed to provide collaborative approaches to waste and resource management. The group runs initiatives like Love Food Hate Waste, and have a Facebook Page and website page which can be found below:
RAMROC Riverina Waste Group Website
RAMROC Riverina Waste Group Facebook Page
Waste Transfer Station/Waste Depot
The Hay Waste Disposal depot is located in Tip Rd (Thelangerin Rd).
Hours of Operation
** Open normal operating days except Public Holidays
Hay Transfer Station: 2.00pm - 4.00pm
Hay Transfer Station: 2.00pm - 4.00pm
Hay Transfer Station: 1.00pm to 5.00pm
Hay Transfer Station: 2.00pm - 4.00pm |
Hay Transfer Station: 8am to 12pm - 1pm to 4pm
Public Holidays |
Booligal & Maude
Waste trailers have been issued to the Booligal & Maude villages and are located at the respective village recreation grounds. Waste trailers are made accessible 24hrs/day to village residents.
Access to the Old Tip *
Access to the Old Tip/Landfill Site is by appointment only, please contact our administration office for more details on (02) 6990 1100.
Pre-arranged appointments will only be during normal opening hours on weekdays, and by reporting to the staff member on duty at the Waste Transfer Station.
Disposal fees must be paid prior to disposal.

Hay Shire Residents Only – Acceptance of out of Shire generated waste is on a case-by-case basis only and will attract an additional fee
It is important that waste tyres are stored in a safe manner. Correct storage will reduce risks to safety, human health and the environment. Incorrect storage will also create a significant financial risk for property owners and occupiers.
Disposal of tyres must be booked in advance and a Tyre Disposal Application Form completed and fees paid prior to disposal at the waste facility.
Asbestos cannot be disposed of at the Hay Waste Disposal Site without prior consent from Council, an Asbestos Disposal Application Form must be completed and fees paid prior to disposal at the waste facility.

EVERY home built or renovated before the mid 1980’s is likely to contain asbestos. If left undisturbed asbestos generally does not pose a health risk. However, when disturbed during renovations and home maintenance, asbestos fibres can be released into the air and when inhaled, can cause life-threatening diseases including lung cancer, pleural disease, asbestosis and mesothelioma, an incurable, terminal cancer.
Home renovations, particularly DIY are continuing to increase nationally. With a median gap of 40 years between exposure and diagnosis, and with a large number of people diagnosed with mesothelioma as a result of renovating or maintaining homes, the importance of education about the dangers of asbestos to homeowners cannot be overstated.
Before renovating, please undertake the below safety checklist:
It is recommended you contact a local Licenced Asbestos Removalist when dealing with asbestos and ensure you contact your local Council before disposing of it.
Hay Shire Council provides a wide range of free recycling options as outlined below. Small, hard to recycle items: household batteries (up to 6 volt), printer cartridges, and mobile phones, can be dropped off at the recycling stations located in the foyer of the Hay Library and Community Recycling Shed.
Many other items can also be taken to Hay Community Recycling Centre (see info below) at Hay Shire Waste Transfer Station - Council's one-stop-shop for all recyclable items.
Hay Community Recycling Centre
Our Community Recycling Centre is located at the Hay Shire Waste Transfer Station, Thelangerin Road, Hay.
This is a NSW EPA Waste Less, Recycle More initiative funded through the waste levy.
Residents can now drop off the following household problem waste items for FREE, helping to minimise our community's impact on the environment:
- Aerosols
- Batteries
- Compact Fluorescent and Fluorescent Light Bulbs
- Gas Bottles and Fire Extinguishers
- Motor Oils and other oils
- Paint (oil and water based)
- Smoke detectors
Only household quantities of the above materials will be accepted. As a guide a maximum container of 20 litres or 20 kilograms each of the wastes listed (except paint which is now 100L).
By separating your problem wastes and taking them to your local CRC, you are helping to improve recycling, reducing waste to landfill and looking after your local environment.
Community Recycling Centres are Free for all NSW residents.
Other items that can be recycled at the Transfer Station include:
- Electronic waste (e-waste) - but this doesn't include e-waste such as audio speakers, sound systems or electrical kitchen items such as jugs or toasters
- Glass
- Aluminium
- Hard Plastics
- Steel / Metal
- Mattresses
- Cardboard/Paper
- Green waste
- Clean Concrete material
- Whitegoods
For more information on CRC’s, please visit the EPA website.
Drum Muster
Council participates in the Drum Muster Program which is the recycling of farm chemical drums. Anyone wishing to dispose of chemical drums can make an appointment by contacting the Hay Shire Council Office during business hours.

Coffee Capsules (Pods) Recycling:
Sign up for TerraCycle's the Nespresso Coffee Capsule Recycling Program. Every time you enjoy Nespresso save the capsule and recycle it with TerraCycle. There is no limit to the amount of Nespresso capsules you can collect and send in or drop off for FREE at your closest Brigade location.
TerraCycle's NESCAFÉ Dolce Gusto Coffee Capsule Recycling Program. Every time you enjoy Nespresso save the capsule and recycle it with TerraCycle. There is no limit to the amount of Nescafe capsules you can collect and send in or drop off for FREE at your closest Brigade location.
TerraCycle's Expressi Coffee Capsule Recycling Program is currently under review due to its popularity.
For more information on any of TerraCycle's programs go to www.terracycle.com.au.
Shops/Services to drop off donations: All items must be in immediately usable condition, not stained and not in need of repair.
Shear Outback Op Shop:
411 Bank Street, Hay NSW 2711
Hay Baptist Church of Hope
Cnr Church & Hope Streets, Hay NSW 2711
Container Deposit Scheme – (Return & Earn)
Hay Services Club
371 Murray Street, Hay NSW 2711
Open Saturday 8am – 10am