Hay Shire Council new 3 bin waste system
What is the new 3 bin waste system ?
The new three-bin household waste system allows food and garden waste to be collected, as well as regular waste and recycling collections.
The new system will begin in the Hay from July 1, 2024 with the following collection regime.
GREEN lidded bin – Organics – FOGO- (garden and food waste) - WEEKLY collection of 240L
YELLOW lidded bin – Recycling - FORTNIGHTLY(Week 2) collection of 240L
RED lidded bin - General Waste - FORTNIGHTLY ( Week1) collection of 240L
This represents a more than 60 per cent increase in the volume of waste removed from each household compared to the current red lidded bin system.
Council will start the delivery the new bins with an information kit, kitchen caddy and bags for recycling of kitchen waste, from mid May to be ready for the new collection services on Monday 1
st July 2024
The Kerbside Recycling 3 Bin System is available to residences and business premises only, vacant lots will not receive the three bins.
Residents and premises requiring
extra bins other than the standard 3 bins, should apply for them by 17 May 2024 to ensure delivery by July 1, 2024. Applications received after the 17
th will still be accepted, however delivery before the 1
st of July cannot be guaranteed.
Extra bins can only be applied for by the owner of the property. Extra bins will incur a $150 per bin per year charge. An Application form can be access here : Request for Additional Waste Collection Bins 2024-2025, or below in the Resources section
Will my garbage charges change?
Every year your garbage charge increases slightly in line with inflation. This year there is an additional change due to the introduction of an organic and recycling bins to every Hay Shire household in the collection area from the new financial year 2024-25. More details about these charges will be available when the rates notices
are released
What bins do I need for this system?
All households will be provided with a green-lidded organics bin, kitchen caddy and compostable liners prior to the start of the new collections. This is in addition to a new red-lidded rubbish and yellow-lidded recycling bins. The old red-lidded bin will be removed, only the new issued bins will be collected from July1, 2024.
Do I have to do anything special to get my bin?
No, the new bins will be delivered with clear instructions and directions for use. More information about how the system will operate will be provided to you closer to the start date, which is anticipated to be July 2024.
Why will I be receiving an organics bin?
You will be receiving an organics bin for your food scraps and garden matter to reduce the quantity and content of waste going to landfill. Approximately half the content of the average household rubbish bin is organic material. This is now sent to Hay Shire Council landfill which is rapidly filling up if present disposal patterns continue. If the Council does not reduce the quantity and content of the waste going to landfill, prices will have to increase substantially. These costs will have to be passed on to ratepayers.
What will I be able to put in my green-lidded organics bin?
You can put in all your food scraps including fish, meat and bones, teabags, coffee grounds and cooked foods. Garden waste such as prunings, grass, clippings, sticks, weeds and flowers can also be included.
However, you cannot include things like plastic bags, general household waste, treated or laminated
timber or old clothing. These need to go in your general waste bin.
What will I be able to put in my yellow-lidded recycling bin?
You can put in all your aluminium and steel cans, drink and pet food cans (washed first) . Plastic containers and bottles, rigid plastics such as milk bottles, ice cream/yoghurt containers, newspapers, magazines, office paper, milk cartons, egg cartons, cereal boxes, the inner roll of toilet paper, glass bottles such as wine, beer bottles and sauce jars.
How will my general waste (rubbish) bin change?
Your red-lidded rubbish bin will stay at 240 litres, however, it will be emptied fortnightly instead of weekly. Data from other councils in the region shows that about half of what is currently put into the red bin could be composted through the organics service and the recycling service, reducing the need to collect the bin every week.
How will I sort food waste from my general household rubbish?
Each household will be provided with a kitchen tidy bin and compostable bags for the specific purpose of collecting food waste. These bags can then be placed in your new organics bin.
Which other councils are introducing organics bins?
Berrigan, Edward River, Leeton, Greater Hume, Federation and Murrumbidgee Councils are also introducing the organics bin . The introduction of the organics service in NSW councils has been mandated by the NSW Government to help reduce the strain on our landfills and utilise the compost generated in our regions agricultural industries.
How can I find out more?
You will be provided with detailed information about the new three-bin system in the lead-up to its introduction. In the meantime you can find out further information about recycling by visiting Halve Waste
www.halvewaste.com.au who are assisting Councils’ in the region with recycling and waste reduction, or by phoning Council's office on 02 6990 1100 if you have any further enquiries.
2025 Collection Calendar
'Non-collection Notice’ stickers
Recycling Tip - Green Waste
Recycling Tip - Wood and Timber
Recycling Tip - Squeezable tubes
Media Release - Commencement of 3 Bin System in Hay
Waste Management Fees Table
2024 Collection Calendar
Hay Shire Council 3 Bin Information Sheet
3 Bin Information Sheet
What Goes in the Red Lid Bin
What Goes in the Green Lid Bin
What Goes in the Yellow Lid Bin
Request for Additional Waste Collection Bins 2024-2025
Halve Waste
Do More Good – Halve Waste
Making the Big Difference – Halve Waste
More resources and information will be added as the new 3 bin system is rolled out.